My Little Loves Photography

Hey!!! I’m so glad you’re here!!! After years and years of taking photos of friends and family, I’ve decided to take the plunge and open my very own business. I’m so excited you’re following me on this crazy journey. I should probably tell you a little about myself and my business and what better place than my first EVER blog post. So, with jittery nerves, excitement, doubt, fear and above all, joy, I welcome you. 



  • The real “My Little Loves” are Kate + Cam. I will torture you with endless photos of them on here. Sorry/Not sorry.
  • I’m a night owl. Don’t be surprised to get an email from yours truly at 2am.
  • I use bullet points like they’re going out of style. They make me feel all neat + tidy.
  • My husband pulls up my website on multiple computers in the electronic store. #1 Fan!!!! 
  • I’m very laid back. If your kids aren’t cooperating and you’re stressed, know that I’m NOT. It’s no big deal, we’ll get the shots.
  • I’m a recovering Mt Dew (all soda really) addict. You have permission to smack me if you see evidence I’ve been partaking. I’ve been pop-free for over a year!!!
  • I’m obsessed with fonts. It took me hours (days) to pick the fonts for this site. 
  • I’m a dog person. If a dog is in your family shoot, I can’t promise you’ll still have him/her at the end. Kidding. Kind of. 
  • I have one rule. Yep, a rule. Moms, no mater what kind of session we are shooting (kids only, newborn, etc) you have to be in ONE picture (at least, but one for sure). I’m guilty myself, I don’t exist in many of my photos—most if I’m honest—and I HATE THAT!!!! So, ONE PICTURE is my rule.  
  • I completely, totally abuse exclamation points. Three is a minimum for me. !!!

I shoot all types of events. Families, newborns, kiddos, couples, parties, small weddings and even funerals. I hope to do a post about the funeral I shot. Without a doubt, the most personal, beautiful, heart-wrenching moments I have photographed. Ever.                                                                                                                                            

I have a very simple, clean style. You can snoop around my galleries and see if my style appeals to you. If it does, give me a call, send over an email, text. I look forward to hearing from you.  

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