EverySummerHasAStory Kate

I haven’t posted in a bit and with the influx of traffic I thought it would be a good place to introduce myself (again) and say thank you for taking the time to visit My Little Loves. So, thanks!



  • The real “My Little Loves” are Kate + Cam. I will torture you with endless photos of them on here. Sorry/Not sorry.
  • I’m a night owl. Don’t be surprised to get an email from yours truly at 2am.
  • I use bullet points like they’re going out of style. They make me feel all neat + tidy.
  • My husband pulls up my website on multiple computers in the electronic store. #1 Fan!!!!
  • I’m very laid back. If your kids aren’t cooperating and you’re stressed, know that I’m NOT. It’s no big deal, we’ll get the shots.
  • I’m a recovering Mt Dew (all soda really) addict. You have permission to smack me if you see evidence I’ve been partaking. I’ve been pop-free for over a year!!!
  • I’m obsessed with fonts. It took me hours (days) to pick the fonts for this site.
  • I’m a dog person. If a dog is in your family shoot, I can’t promise you’ll still have him/her at the end. Kidding. Kind of.
  • I have one rule. Yep, a rule. Moms, no mater what kind of session we are shooting (kids only, newborn, etc) you have to be in ONE picture (at least, but one for sure). I’m guilty myself, I don’t exist in many of my photos—most if I’m honest—and I HATE THAT!!!! So, ONE PICTURE is my rule.
  • I completely, totally abuse exclamation points. Three is a minimum for me. !!!


What have we been up to? Oh, hanging out at the park…



Messing around at the Detroit Zoo…




Enjoying Lake Michigan…



…and just enjoying each other’s company. There will  be a follow-up to this post with pictures of my children bickering, whining, throwing fits and declaring they’re BORED!!! That should happen in about 2 weeks. 😉


I truly hope your summer is filled with long nights, lightning bugs, sunny days, good company, adventures, love, family, friends, laughter and good old FUN!!! {In no particular order}


Back to the business side…My Little Loves is booking into late July and early August. Call/Email/Text today to schedule your shoot. 


Feel free to share your summer adventures and offer suggestions of places to check out in Michigan. Belle Isle is next on our summer bucket list!!! Thanks!!!






  • Tara Hill - Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous and I cannot wait to have some of our own taken!
    We share a love of bullet points, fonts and exclamation marks!!! Haha!

    Enjoy your Summer with your beautiful family!!!ReplyCancel

    • Melanie - Thanks, lady! I can’t wait to photograph you and your fellas!!!ReplyCancel

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