- The real “My Little Loves” are Kate + Cam, my charming kiddos. I will torture you with endless photos of them on here. Sorry/Not sorry.
- I’m a night owl. Don’t be surprised to get an email from yours truly at 2am.
- I use bullet points like they’re going out of style. They make me feel all neat + tidy.
- My husband pulls up my website on multiple computers in the electronic store. #1 Fan!!!!
- I’m very laid back. If your kids aren’t cooperating and you’re stressed, know that I’m NOT. It’s no big deal, we’ll get the shots.
- I’m obsessed with fonts. It took me hours (days) to pick the fonts for this site.
- I’m a dog person. If a dog is in your family shoot, I can’t promise you’ll still have him/her at the end. Kidding. Kind of.
- I have one rule. Yep, a rule. Moms, no mater what kind of session we are shooting (kids only, newborn, etc) you have to be in ONE picture (at least, but one for sure). I’m guilty myself, I don’t exist in many of my photos—most if I’m honest—and I HATE THAT!!!! So, ONE PICTURE is my rule.
- I completely, totally abuse exclamation points. Three is a minimum for me. !!!
I shoot all types of events. Families, newborns, kiddos, couples, parties, small weddings and even funerals. I hope to do a post about the funeral I shot. Without a doubt, the most personal, beautiful, heart-wrenching moments I have photographed. Ever.
I have a very simple, clean style. You can snoop around my galleries and see if my style appeals to you. If it does, give me a call, send over an email, text. I look forward to hearing from you.